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For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Romans 8:6

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Welcome to KMCM

We are a multi-generational and non-denominational community of believers. Our faith is rooted in the love of Christ and we are united by our love for God.


We believe every person is created in God's image and we are His beloved children. God demonstrated His pure and unconditional love for us by sacrificing His only Son Jesus, for you and me. 


Just as God loves us without conditions, we too at KMCM strive to love and value every person we cross paths with. We welcome everyone with open arms and open hearts. Here, you will be treated with respect and integrity no matter who you are and where you come from.


There’s always a place for you in our hearts and church family! 

our story

We believe that there is one God, who eternally exists in three persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. "

our believe

Empowering Believers to Live a Godly Life and Continue in All the Works of Christ

We don’t only preach the uncompromising scriptures of the bible, but we include a love for all God’s people in attempts of becoming the true body of Christ.  We strive to Love how God loves.  We further strive to live our lives in love every day.


Theme of the Year


" No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared
for those who love him. "

- 1 Corinthians 2:9


That’s the theme of the year for our church this year as unveiled by Pastor Mark and Pastor Denise Braswell on Vision Sunday, 2 January 2022!


Throughout this year we will be fixing our eyes on God to provide abundance in every area of our lives!

theme of 2022

Pastor Mark Braswell

With more than a decade of serving the Lord at KMCM, Pastor Mark Braswell loves nothing better than to proclaim the good news.


He is known for the Prophetic gift.  He delivers the word of God with boldness that reveals the glory of Jesus. His humorous, dynamic and engaging style of preaching continues to inspire the church and those around him.


Pastor Denise Braswell

A devoted wife to Pastor Mark, and a loving mother to Amber and Ryan, Pastor Denise epitomizes the virtuous woman mentioned in Proverbs 31. She is a constant source of love and support to Pastor Mark.


Her humility, warmth and genuine love for God and people have led to her counselling and touching many lives. Pastor Denise is committed to helping people discover how they can rise in life through the abundance of God's Word.

our pastor

Standing in Faith

If you have a prayer need, we want to stand in faith with you! Be it online or in-person, our pastors and leaders are here to pray with you for your breakthrough. Come connect with us: Submit Your Prayer Request

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2821 Main Street West,

Snellville GA 30078

Tel : 770-982-7270

©2023 by Kingdom Minded Christian Ministries.

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